Should I have my prices on my website as a wedding photographer?

Should I have my prices on my website as a wedding photographer?

There’s an age-old debate in the wedding photography industry: Should you have your prices on your website? 

There are valid arguments on both sides

Listing your prices saves time by only attracting people who are serious about your services while keeping your prices private can support personalised quotes. I’ve experimented with both and now use a “starting from” price with a breakdown of my fees in a supporting pricing guide.

In this blog, I’ll explain why this approach works, the importance of a pricing guide (regardless of whether you display your prices on your website), and what to include to ensure a seamless onboarding process for you and your couples. 


Why I have a “starting from” price

After experimenting with listing all my prices and prompting couples to get in touch for my fees, opting for a “starting from” price has saved me so much time in the onboarding process. Now, couples who enquire are more likely to be serious about booking, which has led to higher-quality leads and increased conversions. 

A starting from price still requires people to get in touch to find out what they get, which is listed in the pricing guide. Ultimately, it’s a personal preference, and I recommend experimenting to find an approach that works for you. Regardless of whether you list your prices or not, you need to have a pricing guide.

What is a pricing guide?

A pricing guide outlines your pricing structure, packages and services. It is a valuable tool for helping potential clients understand what you do, your pricing tiers and any other services you offer. A pricing guide also communicates your value, professionalism and commitment to delivering an exceptional service. It’s also another touch point to showcase your work, manage expectations, streamline the booking process and build confidence and trust in your services. 

Why is a pricing guide important?

  • Managing expectations
  • A pricing guide is an essential tool for managing client expectations right from the word go. Outlining what services are included and setting clear boundaries ensures that clients know exactly what to expect. 

  • Setting boundaries
  • Establishing the minimum level of service that clients can expect is essential. While we often go above and beyond to exceed these expectations on the wedding day, having a pricing guide ensures a baseline for what is provided. 

  • Communicating value
  • Beyond listing prices, a pricing guide allows you to communicate the value and experience you offer as a photographer. It acts as another touch point to showcase the quality of your work and the level of service that clients can get excited about. 

  • Solving problems 
  • Wedding planning can be overwhelming for couples. A pricing guide helps alleviate some of that stress by addressing common questions and concerns upfront. You want to make the process as easy and straightforward as possible, which will also save you time in the long run.

  • Upselling opportunities
  • Pricing guides allow you to introduce clients to your additional services or add-ons they may not have considered before. It’s not about a hard sell. Instead, you’re providing options and letting clients make informed decisions in their own time. 

    What to include in your pricing guide

    A good pricing guide will be aesthetic, on-brand, easy to access, and functional. The goal is not to actively sell but to communicate just how excellent working with you is, inspire confidence in and excitement in your couple, and ultimately make them rush to bag you before someone else does.

    You will usually send your pricing brochure after the initial enquiry, meaning you’ve already done something to hook the couple and encourage them to consider you for their photography. Therefore, your pricing brochure must wow them further and ultimately convince them that it has to be you.

    Here are just some of the things you should include:

  • Approach
  • Start with a brief overview of who you are and what you offer. Describe your photography style, approach, and the unique value you bring to weddings.

  • Packages and add-ons
  • Outline what’s included in your base package and list any optional add-ons that couples can choose from to enhance their experience. 

  • Next steps
  • Outline the next steps for potential clients, including the process of enquiring, discussing the details, discovery calls and securing the date. 

  • FAQs
  • Address common questions and concerns that clients may have, such as payment schedules, cancellation policies and timeline expectations.

  • Visual presentation
  • Using a professionally designed and aesthetic pricing guide reinforces your attention to detail, duty of care, and the value of your services.

    To help you create your own pricing guide and book dream clients and weddings, I’ve created a 45-page template that is customisable and full of helpful advice, prompts and guidance to elevate your client experience, save time and secure bookings with confidence. 

    My pricing guide template is available here. 

    Plus, join the mailing list for an exclusive discount off your first order. 

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